Fashion & Style

Change 004: Fleamarket

0 Comments 07 December 2011

“I have too many clothes.”

I once had a friend who took bags home from me, filled with clothes I did not wear any more. (Well, she kinda collects clothes as she believes the world’s economy will collapse and she will need them to sew new ones out of them when the time comes…) Voilà. My boxes emptied, clothes “recycled”, by means of “back in usage”, another step done to “preserve the world” ;)

I do prefer giving my clothes away to friends as I tend to purchase much more than I ever wear, and I bet everyone has some pieces in their wardrobe that just “look nice” and are brand new. But seriously, there are so many moments in our lives where we prefer wearing the favourite jeans and an old but neat cotton t-shirt rather than some stuff you once saw in the windows of a shop…

Recycling stuff you don’t need – give it away or sell it on a flea-market! Prevent the production of more goods than anybody can ever use, and find a usage for it – by people who might look out for it!

A good occasion would be the Fashion flea-market by WeMAkePArty! the upcoming December 17th, just as a little reminder that (especially in Berlin) there are so many occasions you can do a little bit for the environment – and earn a little money with it:

WMP! Fashion Flohmarkt fuses the traditional English Jumble sale with the Berlin style flohmarkt…where bargains are the standard and style is the norm. This event allows hoarders to clean out their wardrobes whilst earning a little extra cash and gives those with a passion for second hand fashion the perfect chance to find that dazzling piece – all at reasonable prices! You can expect stalls galore filled to the brim with second hand clothes and curiosities, books on art fashion and design, tasty treats and a bar serving hot and cold beverages. Whether it’s to buy a gift, transform a wardrobe or simply hangout, the WMP! Fashion Flohmarkt has something for everyone.

This event takes place on Saturday 17th December, from 13.00 – 18.00.

Entrance FREE!

Have you got too many clothes? Are you strapped for cash or do you simply want to have a good old clear out? Why not rent a table at the WMP! Fashion Flohmarkt? Contact

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