
Christoph Lerch governor of Bern (CH) threatens Bonsoir

0 Comments 21 May 2012

The Club Bonsoir in Bern (CH) has received the award «Best Specialized Club» via Swiss Nightlife Awards. Picture: Jonathan Spirig


We are appalled to receive such bad news via the Swiss press: Thursday, it is said, Christoph Lerch (SP), Berns governour will send out an order that might be fatal to one of Switzerland’s most famous clubs in history:

“Die Betreiber des Clubs Bonsoir warten ungeduldig auf den Donnerstag. Dann erhalten sie nämlich von Regierungsstatthalter Christoph Lerch (SP) eine Verfügung, wie Bonsoir-Geschäftsführer Rolf Bähler auf Anfrage bestätigt. Was drin stehe, wisse er noch nicht. Möglich seien aber beispielsweise eine Einschränkung der Öffnungszeiten, eine Reduktion der Lautstärke auf 80 Dezibel oder verordnete bauliche Massnahmen. Auslöser der Verfügung ist die Lärmklage eines Anwohners, der mittlerweile weggezogen ist.”

And all this trouble because of one single former neighbour, who complained about the club – who does not even live there any more. We say: WEIRD.

When we visited Bern last winter, we were already very shocked that Switzerland’s capital has not much to offer compared to Berlin, where we came from. Now that Club Bonsoir is threatened to be closed down, we are shocked even more at about how ignorant Swiss people can be.

Don’t they know that Club Bonsoir is the one and only location with the most international, great line-up in Bern?

Is it not obvious that Christoph Haller, the famous booker of Club Bonsoir and member of made to play’s Round Table Knights did everything to make this club special?

When we were standing in front of the schedule of Club Bonsoir in the winter, we could not believe our eyes what great names were all listed… We even thought this is “Perlen vor die Säue werfen,” as the Germans would say, throw pearls in front of pigs. The line up was really great and for that, it seemed the Swiss people had not a real idea who was playing there.

“Die Verfügung hat Rolf Bähler sehen kommen. «Aus meiner Sicht haben die Behörden die Entwicklung der letzten zehn Jahre verpasst», sagt er. So würden Städte immer belebter, dazu komme es immer mehr zur 24-Stunden-Gesellschaft. Das Ausgehverhalten habe sich ebenfalls verändert: «Ein Club muss heutzutage bis um 4.30 oder 5 Uhr morgens geöffnet sein», so Bähler. Es könne nicht sein, dass Clubs und Gastrobetriebe trotz dieser Entwicklung keine Rechtssicherheit hätten.( 21.05.2012, 12:02 Uhr”

It is really sad that the Swiss government has not realized what is going on everywhere else in the world: clubs do not close around 3am, they run the whole night.

Club Bonsoir is not only a Swiss thing. It is loved by many international artists and one of the few spots to be if it comes to high class music nightlife in Bern…

The inhabitants of Bern should fight for the best club their city has to offer.

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