
B-town Gossip: Cheaters

0 Comments 17 March 2014

Some gossip in town at the moment: Cheaters.


Guy 1 – The (married) guy visiting prostitutes: A while ago I met a married couple (1 child, wife was pregnant with second child). The wife was not really exactly a lovely one, and rather quite a drama queen, but hey – the guy chose to be with her. Problem was, he was walking around telling his friends how often he went cheating on her with this and that prostitute, and how he managed to do it during his working times and finding excuses so she didn’t suspect anything. It was not my business to tell a woman I barely know about her cheating husband, but I felt bad about it.


Guy 2 – The (married) guy courting officially another woman through social media: Recently, a friend of my friend added me on FB, and I thought it was because of some journalistic cooperation. It turned out it was an “officially married on FB” kind of guy with a kid, who started to stalk a friend of mine, thus adding all her friends on social media. Googling him on the world wide web, I found out he was teaching philosophy and media-pedagogic at a private school. A review about his “bestselling book” on design tagged it as “allgemein (common)” and “banal”; apparently he wrote a book about a subject he has never worked in. My friend was apalled when he sent her flowers from another city, as she is no home-wrecker and did not find him attractive at all. I was just wondering what he will tell his kid when it asks about his behaviour later on, and how such a person is teaching something at a private college.


Guy 3 – the guy (living with his girlfriend) flirting with other women (in clubs): As a blogger, I have been to numerous events. Since I hardly ever drink in private and never drink when I am out looking for new sounds and artists, I usually end up being the only sober person at an event. Of course, there is, for example that one girlfriend of that popular DJ who stabbs and kills his (female only) fans with her eyes multiple times when she is standing next to him at his gig, but most of the times, the gentlemen of the nightlife have girlfriends and wives who are nice and often stay at home. Most of those lucky guys are nice men who are going home straight after the gig; others stay a bit longer and … yeah. They do hook up with some groupies. Doesn’t really speak for their personalities, does it…?


Oh yeah … there was Guy 4: Who was just messed up. A while ago, I learned about this “old guy” who was scewing a beautiful young friend of mine – a quite successful photographer who had a daughter from his (crazy) ex-wife. Just hearing gossip about that situation was painful. He made his young girlfriend sneak out of his apartment through the back door, cancelled appointments with her last minute, bought her slutty dresses but forgot to send her flowers on her birthday and invited her on a vacation, where she arrived and learned that the previous hours, he had had a sex orgy with his friends there. A total mess. He did not manage to raise his daughter well, so she apparently developed into a little brat, and he repeatedly cheated on his young girlfriend. His whole shiny life from the media was a big fat lie.fuckfakeppl
Last, but not least, a little message from the WWW when searching for a picture of “cheaters”:

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