Fashion & Style, Impressions

Introducing & review: KANCHA DESIGN

1 Comment 26 January 2016

stylistberlin introduces: KANCHA Design


Summer 2014 KANCHA CEO Tobias Gerhard contacted stylistberlin to tell the world about his company: KANCHA DESIGN, that was producing handmade products of felt and leather. These were the first impressions we got -> Sleeves for all kinds of electronic devices, from Notebook to tablet to phone cases:

Kancha "Naked" KANCHA Kollektion2_overview(With_Laptops)


* All pictures provided by KANCHA Design



KANCHA Design according to KANCHA:

“Was ist KANCHA?

Wir machen Lifestyle Accessoires für urbane Nomaden. Seit unserer Gründung 2013 in Berlin stellen wir Designprodukte aus natürlichen und lokal bezogenen Materialien in Kirgistan her und achten dabei ebenso auf anständige Arbeitsbedingungen in der Manufaktur wie auf funktionale und ästhetische Designs für unsere Kunden. Jedes Produkt kommt mit vom jeweiligen Hersteller handsignierten Handmade-Label, welches dem Kunden erlaubt über die Webseite mehr über die Person und Geschichte dahinter zu erfahren.


-> KANCHA is producing lifestyle accessoires for urban nomads since 2013 from natural and locally produced materials in Kyrgyztan. They wanted to combine aesthetic styles with fair manufacturing.


Was wollen wir?

Mehr als einfach nur schöne Dinge verkaufen, wollen wir einen positiven Beitrag zur wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung Kirgistans leisten. Daher sind wir permanent mit einem Büro an unserem Produktionsstandort Bishkek vertreten und arbeiten gemeinsam mit unseren Herstellern, Zulieferern und Partnern daran, die soziale und ökologische Bilanz unserer Wertkette zu verbessern und weitere sozialunternehmerische Projekte in Kirgistan anzustoßen.


-> AIM: KANCHA  is aiming at helping the economy of Kyrgyztan. So production is controlled directly in Bishkek.


Wie kam es zur Idee?

Als Co-Founder Tobias Gerhard 2011 erstmals nach Kirgistan reiste, faszinierte ihn die ursprünglich von Nomaden entwickelte Filzkunst des Landes. Zurück in Berlin bemerkte er anschließend eine andere Art des Nomadentums: Großstadtbewohner mit Laptop und Smartphone, die ohne festen Wohn- und Arbeitsplatz von Metropole zu Metropole ziehen. So kam die Idee, die traditionelle Handwerkskunst Kirgistans für die Stadtnomaden der Welt attraktiv zu machen und damit zur Entwicklung des wirtschaftsschwachen Landes beizutragen.”


-> Idea: Co-founder Tobias Gerhard visited Kyrgyztan in 2011 and was fascinated by the felt-art developed by the nomads of the country. Back in Berlin, he noticed that there were “nomads” in Berlin as well – those without a fixed workplace or fixed address, moving from metropolis to metropolis. Thus, the idea of spreading the art of Kyrgyztan to the nomads of the rest of the world through KANCHA Design.


stylistberlin x Introducing KANCHA DESIGN

Since stylistberlin is only promoting personally tested products, it took a while for this post, but here it is: All pictures – copyright by stylistberlin!


We got a KANCHA sleeve manufactured for a “Windows Surface Pro 2”. And this is how it looks like:

Created with Nokia Refocus


Created with Nokia Refocus

Created with Nokia Refocus



How does it work “in action”?






The Microsoft Surface Pro 2 inside a KANCHA sleeve:




KANCHA “stills”:

Created with Nokia Refocus



BONUS POINT: The good thing about KANCHA designed products is, that you KNOW who exactly made your KANCHA item. “Find out who made this for you” is the message that you find in your tablet sleeve (The address has changed into

WP_20140824_21_50_17_Pro WP_20140824_21_50_28_Pro WP_20140824_21_50_31_Pro

(This is the backside, a pocket for papers and flat accessoires and additional items)


Compared to a monitor:




stylistberlin x KANCHA review

First impression: It looks very nice.

PLUS: The product has a high-quality finish, the patterns are beautiful and very precise. The embroidery is filigree and sturdy. The KANCHA logo is stamped on the leather details on the front (opening for the tablet) and on the back on the leather pocket. After using it a few weeks, the felt began to fuzz on the surface, like an old sweater. But it added to the character of the sleeve, so that was no such a big deal. You can put a flat mouse into that pocket easily.

MINUS: Any other accessory (other than a flat mouse) will make the sleeve bulky. Also, you need to be a fan of sleeves, because it can be a bit uncomfortable, because you only have one hand free for use with such sleeves. The back pocket, which looks big enough a paper in A4 size, in real life is not big enough: the paper will rub against the felt and will get stuck halfway through.

PRICE: 49,00 EUR for a tablet sleeve is totally okay for a handmade product with nice leather and very good embroidery.

CONCLUSION: For those of you who are looking for good design and good quality products made in Kyrgyztan – and therefore supporting the country’s economy, we can recommend KANCHA Design, especially the various wallets (our favourite picks!).


On the KANCHA online shop, you can find the following articles, green shipping included:

Laptop Sleeves: 69,00 EUR

Screenshot 2016-01-24 01.21.24

* Laptop Sleeve “Awesome” by KANCHA

Camera belts: 69,00 EUR

Screenshot 2016-01-24 01.22.29

* Camera Strap “Sleek” in brown

Wallets: 59,00 EUR

Screenshot 2016-01-24 01.23.23

* Wallet “Maxi-Gul”-Brown by KANCHA Design


Tablet sleeves, reader sleeves, several designs of phone sleeves, besides different forms of wallets are also in stock. And the best: some items are on sale!! Get your hands on the “Handsome” and “Awesome” Laptop sleeves and the “Clour Systems” phone sleeve with a discount:

Screenshot 2016-01-24 01.26.32


More information:

KANCHA website


KANCHA on instagram

KANCHA on twitter

For further information, read this interview: Newspaper article on Tagesspiegel (in German)

Your Comments

1 comment

  1. Tobi says:

    Nice! Thank you for the review, Yuna.
    We have also just launched a truly innovative, modular backpack via kickstarter. The perfect bag for the urban nomad on the move. :) Check it out here!

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