
EUROCUP 2012 and the new law about your personal data

0 Comments 08 July 2012

We feared, cheered and loathed while watching the Eurocup 2012 in Berlin, and I must admit, most people around me did not mention any politics (as Germans love to talk about politics) for a while. Occasionally, we were making jokes about what “stupid, stupid decision” the Bundestag (German Parliament) would make while the bulk of politicians were absent-minded due to Eurocup 2012. Actually, we saw some politician of the Die Grünen at 11 Freunde public viewing VIP tribune. What we did not think of was what actually happened at the Bundestag when Germany played against Italy live on every major tv and radio channel.

by Y. Cho


THIS is what happened:


Die Welt has captured one of the most incredible incidents in German politics: the Bundestag deciding on one of the most argued about, most discussed laws of the past years – “Gesetz zur Fortentwicklung des Meldewesens.” Which stands for “law for further development of registration.”

This law allows registration offices to give away all citizen’s information to address traders and advertisers. It applies to every citizen and thus deprives him of self-determination about personal information.

It is outrageous how this can happen in 21st German democracy.


It is outrageous how this can happen in 21st German democracy.

You have to watch the video material to understand the procedure of the German Bundestag. Out of the more than 600 members of the Parliament, only a few dozen are at Bundestag when this law is read out.
Nobody discusses the law, it is accepted within less than 60 seconds of time. Everyone goes with the decision of the Inner commission. Wow. In a country where you need hours and hours of paperwork and talks to get a working visa, this is ridiculous.
Less than 60 seconds to discuss and decide over an extremely controversial law


How is this possible? How can the Bundestag decide so quickly over the rights of the citizens? Now that it is accepted, it will take much time and energy to fight against it and maybe even take it back. BUT. Till then it might happen that it your data are going to be sold to others backed up by German law. Your data will be on sale, so to say. Again, wow, how is this possible?

Today, reading these news on Welt Online made me very contemplative.

Germany as the hub of Europe has to be an example of how modern democracy is working to the benefit of its inhabitants. If this is just the start of the downfall of German politics, I do not see any hope for the future of this country.


© Deutscher Bundestag / Screenshot WON
Der Bundestag stimmt über das neue Meldegesetz ab: Nur einige Dutzend Abgeordnete haben sich eingefunden, um den massiven Einschnitt in die Rechte der Bürger zu beschließen

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