Columns, Fashion & Style

Holler back:

0 Comments 30 November 2010


The avocadostore team is not situated in Berlin. It is run by a team in Hamburg. The reason why I feature a post is, because Phil Gloeckler, co-founder of avocadostore, used to live in Berlin and started to realize his whole eco-/sustainability-movement here. Since avocadostore is one of the very few startups I value, I dedicate a holler back to it.

When avocadostore was not existing yet but the idea was called brainsparent, and was run by the blogger of eco fashion junkies, the German world lacked a good platform for sustainable products. The mind of thinking about life after now and “saving the world” was not really spread. “Bio” was only fashionable in Prenzlauer Berg, and far too expensive for Ottonormalverbraucher, so called John and Jane Does.

Phil back then just came up to Berlin from EBS (a partner university of my alma mater) with loads of ideas to “change the world”. He ran a project called “Care or die” to evoke people´s minds for sustainable lifestyle. And BAM! it worked.

When he organized the first carrotmob in Germany with another old friend of mine from Humboldt University Berlin, Micha Dettbarn, it was quite a big success; the media reported a lot about it, and even now, the  carrotmob in Berlin is still like a statement. We can do something if we really want to.

Two years ago, Phil Gloeckler launched his bigger business project to enhance sustainability. Soon, he had founded Germany´s most famous platform for eco products, What I like about the store concept is the mind behind it, and the spirit. 

The reason I am writing about him is a recent event.

Today, he blogged about the German sustainability award, of which the sponsors included Coca Cola and McDonald´s. Here are some impressions of his visit to the award-event:

Auf dem Weg zu dem Veranstaltungsraum ist ein McCafé aufgebaut. Ich traue meinen Augen nicht! Mein Rückschluss ist, dass McDonalds jetzt bestimmt einen Fair Trade Kaffee auf den Markt bringt. Ich frage nach … falsch gedacht! Alles konventionelle Produkte! Nicht mal die Milch war von demeter – obwohl demeter sogar Aussteller war. 
Was macht ein normales McCafé bei dem Deutschen Nachhaltigkeitstag? Sie sind weder nachhaltig, noch deutsch!

So true. The question why such a company stands behind a promising award is still a mystery to all of us, who follow the scene with open eyes and ears. Stefan Schulze-Hausmann, the organizer of the award, could not really give any answers to that, as it seems:

Dieser versucht uns zu erklären, dass solch ein Event nicht ohne CocaCola, Heinz & McDonalds möglich wäre.

I totally understand Phil when he, regarding the current circumstances in the scene, considered even put a full stop to his project:

Und jetzt?
Um ehrlich zu sein, habe ich Freitag kurz überlegt einfach den Stecker von Avocado Store zu ziehen.  
Bis auf Freitag habe ich nicht einen Tag daran gezweifelt, dass ich das Richtige mache.

Oh Phil, you know you are working for the right thing, and if someone disagrees: we are all just humans, with weaknesses and faults. But is it not the ultimate thing to strive at least for a better world, as much as we can? Even when that means that some just pretend to care? At least, now everyone tries to appear like caring… I think that is a big development in ppl´s minds

Ich frage mich, ob diese Leute wirklich glauben, was sie erzählen. Ich finde es wichtig, dass große Unternehmen sich verändern, und einige sind auf dem richtigen Weg, aber bitte WALK THE TALK. Versucht doch erst mal etwas richtig zu bewegen, bevor ihr es kommuniziert.

– You can read the full blog post of Phil here.

How is it not possible to organize an award with a good vision without such commercial, not eco-friendly companies involved? Mr. Schulze-Hausmann, please let someone with a vision take care of that problem soon, before the award turns into a big desaster. The sponsors are mocking all those who really believe in sustainable lifestyle and try to make a difference…

Once again, his blog posting I read during lunch-time today made me think about what is essential right now.

Yes, Phil, you should get LOUDER. People have to hear. Go to TEDxBerlin and apply for the next TED talks. Make a difference. Don´t give up. And be successful so everyone will copy you.

Care or die.


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