Event, Impressions

Artist: Max Prosa

0 Comments 31 October 2010

Max Prosa has something, what other young men his age don’t have. Let me call it a “vision”. This vision seems to pay off these days.


I had been following Max since he was singing in his highschool band, “Increase”. The band had split as the boys were each going his way, doing community service, preparing for Abitur… There were rumours that Max studied, but I always missed him at Humboldt University, since I was hardly ever there, or the break times didn’t match.

The last time we met was at the “The Fray” concert in 2009, as far as I remember, a spontaneously get together of some people who loved music at Astra Kulturhaus.

We had a small conversation about his style and his future plans. He insisted to sing in German, a field that is becoming smaller and smaller in Germany. I tried to convince him to write his lyrics in English, and now I am very glad, he did not listen to me.


This year, I got the info that he had been at Fusion Festival with Dota, die Kleingeldprinzessin. It was time to catch up with him.

Of all the bigger and smaller events in Berlin, finally, I made it to a live gig this year. It was a small, neat and cozy little venue called St.Gaudy Cafe in Prenzlberg, and our group of six people arrived in time to get the best seats. My company consisted of two classical singers from America currently studying in Vienna, a girl from a German casting show now preparing her first album, and a quite famous synchronizer and jazz singer, and the former drummer of Max’ band, so it was quite an audience.


Max had been off university for quite a while now and being in Hamburg, he was preparing his first album, and he had met loads of other musicians meanwhile. He welcomed us with Chris from Clueso, who was accompanying him with the guitar (a nice fellow with whom btw you could just start a discussion about WWII citations during the break!).



He started singing. The songs I knew from some demo tracks I got from Max quite a while ago. The vision Max had, was that nobody was really trying to sing in German these days, so he should work on his lyrics and write some music nobody would do.



And the performance was breath-taking.


Max Prosa is a singer who has dramatically improved and worked on his vocal skills, worked on the lyrics and writing melodies that last. His live gig playing the guitar, harmonica, and above all, setting his voice in spotlight, was moving. It literally draw tears into the girls’ eyes because he lived his songs while he was singing them. His lyrics were pure poetry the way he delivered them.


Max is one of those persons who really work hard and diligently for their dreams. What I like about this young artist is, that he is not yet one of those people whom their “fame” has turned them into arrogant little pricks who forget what music is all about.




Before I reveal too much, GO and LISTEN to him!


Monday, Nov. 1, 2010: Zughafen Showcase, 20.00h, Comet Club Berlin (10EUR)

Friday, Nov. 12, 2010: Popcamp Concert, 20:00h, Kesselhaus, Kulturbrauerei, Berlin (7EUR)


Let me know how you liked it.





Tasunoro and Straße nach Peru are the two songs I favour the most so far. You should check them out on his myspace.

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